Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What should I do about a doctor who used latex gloves on me knowing that I was allergic to latex?

My first question to you is, did you have a severe allergic reaction? It may be a good idea to always remind your doctors of your latex allergy. Doctors are human too, and they do make mistakes, and while I'm not excusing him from fault, take some responsibility for your condition if your allergy is severe. I have very serious allergies too, and I always remind my doctors of them just to be safe.

If you did have a serious reaction, you could file a malpractice lawsuit, but please think twice about it. Everyone makes mistakes, and I doubt very seriously your doctor meant to do you harm. The more malpractice lawsuits people file, the more costly health care becomes, and I think we can all agree it's too costly now.What should I do about a doctor who used latex gloves on me knowing that I was allergic to latex?
If you can prove the encounter caused you harm then you may be able to file some sort of suit. Other than that you may just have to find another doctor.What should I do about a doctor who used latex gloves on me knowing that I was allergic to latex?
You could legally sue him.
I tell every medical person that may come in contact with me that I am allergic to latex. Sometimes more than once. When I had my son, I asked that any latex gloves be removed from the room! Just because it's on your file does not mean they look at it. Did you have a reaction? You should bring this to your doc's attention. It was probably just a mistake, but you still need to tell him/her what happened so it doesn't happen again.
First ask him about the gloves. It is possible they only looked like they were latex. If they actually were latex and they knew you were allergic I would suggest you find another dr
Did you see him take the gloves out of a box labeled ';latex gloves';? Latex and non.latex gloves can look similar.
You should go back to him and tell him that what you saw has been bothering you. Remind him that you are having a latex allergy. It may be that he forgot.

Either that, or change to another doctor.

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